Wednesday 22 May 2013

A friendly hello

Hello internet!
It has come to our attention that all over the world there are closet food connoissieurs who have been suffering from the repression of food appreciation. We say to hell with dieting and yes! to pigging out (controlled binging, mind you) - a love of food needs to be appreciated and celebrated and glorified, and this is a blog that does just that, and more.

We believe that the meaning of life is happiness (and well, coincidentally, Aristotle believes so too) - but that doesn't end there! How can you be possibly happy when you're worrying over calories 24/7 and eating salads all day long (yuck - however, Caesar salads are quite delectable...) Just like everything in life, your diet needs to contain a good balance of the good stuff (yummy but not necessarily healthy foods) and the bad stuff (disgusting healthy food like boiled cabbage), and this needs to be maintained to achieve total equilibrium. 

So, in order to begin this journey of culinary adventuring, undo your belts, unleash your appetites, and let us whip you away on an adventure that will send you rolling (literally, because you'll be so full you'll end up like Violet Beauregarde from the Chocolate factory. No? Yes?). Let us know what you think! But we do have a rather long queue of people wishing to send in fanmail so sorry, please get in line. (cries silently in a corner. who needs friends when there are people who like eating just like you?) 

Adieu for now, 
Two Little Pigs.

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